1089 | OUYANG CHUN Painted in 2004 PEARL NO.2


Author: OUYANG CHUN 欧阳春

Size: 230×180cm

Signed and dated: Painted in 2004


Final Price: --

signed in initial and dated 2004
Ouyang Chun's creation rarely involves heavy social topics. He is good at building an overhead world full of imagination and black humor with graffiti like pens and children's simple strokes. Ouyang Chun discovered his unique graffiti skills during his study at Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in the 1990s. After 2000, in his original graffiti style, he combined the symbols and historical allusions of contemporary popular culture, gave the image greater openness and deeper connotation, and developed a symbolic visual language schema that looks naive but actually hides the sharp edge.
In Pearl No.2 (Lot 1089) in 2004, Ouyang Chun completely ignored the painting rules of perspective, light and shade, and indulged in painting. The colorful colors flowed everywhere, and the heavy pigments superimposed, entangled, and squeezed each other, finally showing the image of two children in a chaos. The two children are exaggerated in shape, with big heads like aliens, and each wearing a shining pearl. They are wearing Nike and Adidas sneakers respectively. For the most precious 'Pearl' in their minds, the two fought together, and neither of them would admit defeat. They vowed to compete, full of different childlike fun and a sense of humor.